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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

Opening a channel
1. Alice and Bob fund a multi-sig wallet
2. Precompute payment channel address
3. Alice and Bob exchanges signatures of initial balances
4. Alice and Bob creates a transaction that can deploy a payment channel from
the multi-sig wallet

Update channel balances
1. Repeat steps 1 - 3 from opening a channel
2. From multi-sig wallet create a transaction that will
- delete the transaction that would have deployed the old payment channel
- and then create a transaction that can deploy a payment channel with the
new balances

Closing a channel when Alice and Bob agree on the final balance
1. From multi-sig wallet create a transaction that will
- send payments to Alice and Bob
- and then delete the transaction that would have created the payment channel

Closing a channel when Alice and Bob do not agree on the final balances
1. Deploy payment channel from multi-sig
2. call challengeExit() to start the process of closing a channel
3. Alice and Bob can withdraw funds once the channel is expired

import "";

contract BiDirectionalPaymentChannel {
using ECDSA for bytes32;

event ChallengeExit(address indexed sender, uint nonce);
event Withdraw(address indexed to, uint amount);

address payable[2] public users;
mapping(address => bool) public isUser;

mapping(address => uint) public balances;

uint public challengePeriod;
uint public expiresAt;
uint public nonce;

modifier checkBalances(uint[2] memory _balances) {
address(this).balance >= _balances[0] + _balances[1],
"balance of contract must be >= to the total balance of users"

// NOTE: deposit from multi-sig wallet
address payable[2] memory _users,
uint[2] memory _balances,
uint _expiresAt,
uint _challengePeriod
) payable checkBalances(_balances) {
require(_expiresAt > block.timestamp, "Expiration must be > now");
require(_challengePeriod > 0, "Challenge period must be > 0");

for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; i++) {
address payable user = _users[i];

require(!isUser[user], "user must be unique");
users[i] = user;
isUser[user] = true;

balances[user] = _balances[i];

expiresAt = _expiresAt;
challengePeriod = _challengePeriod;

function verify(
bytes[2] memory _signatures,
address _contract,
address[2] memory _signers,
uint[2] memory _balances,
uint _nonce
) public pure returns (bool) {
for (uint i = 0; i < _signatures.length; i++) {
NOTE: sign with address of this contract to protect
agains replay attack on other contracts
bool valid = _signers[i] ==
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_contract, _balances, _nonce))

if (!valid) {
return false;

return true;

modifier checkSignatures(
bytes[2] memory _signatures,
uint[2] memory _balances,
uint _nonce
) {
// Note: copy storage array to memory
address[2] memory signers;
for (uint i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
signers[i] = users[i];

verify(_signatures, address(this), signers, _balances, _nonce),
"Invalid signature"


modifier onlyUser() {
require(isUser[msg.sender], "Not user");

function challengeExit(
uint[2] memory _balances,
uint _nonce,
bytes[2] memory _signatures
checkSignatures(_signatures, _balances, _nonce)
require(block.timestamp < expiresAt, "Expired challenge period");
require(_nonce > nonce, "Nonce must be greater than the current nonce");

for (uint i = 0; i < _balances.length; i++) {
balances[users[i]] = _balances[i];

nonce = _nonce;
expiresAt = block.timestamp + challengePeriod;

emit ChallengeExit(msg.sender, nonce);

function withdraw() public onlyUser {
require(block.timestamp >= expiresAt, "Challenge period has not expired yet");

uint amount = balances[msg.sender];
balances[msg.sender] = 0;

(bool sent, ) ={value: amount}("");
require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount);