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让我们看看如何读取private数据。在此过程中,您将了解 Solidity 如何存储状态变量。

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

Note: cannot use web3 on JVM, so use the contract deployed on Goerli
Note: browser Web3 is old so use Web3 from truffle console

Contract deployed on Goerli

# Storage
- 2 ** 256 slots
- 32 bytes for each slot
- data is stored sequentially in the order of declaration
- storage is optimized to save space. If neighboring variables fit in a single
32 bytes, then they are packed into the same slot, starting from the right

contract Vault {
// slot 0
uint public count = 123;
// slot 1
address public owner = msg.sender;
bool public isTrue = true;
uint16 public u16 = 31;
// slot 2
bytes32 private password;

// constants do not use storage
uint public constant someConst = 123;

// slot 3, 4, 5 (one for each array element)
bytes32[3] public data;

struct User {
uint id;
bytes32 password;

// slot 6 - length of array
// starting from slot hash(6) - array elements
// slot where array element is stored = keccak256(slot)) + (index * elementSize)
// where slot = 6 and elementSize = 2 (1 (uint) + 1 (bytes32))
User[] private users;

// slot 7 - empty
// entries are stored at hash(key, slot)
// where slot = 7, key = map key
mapping(uint => User) private idToUser;

constructor(bytes32 _password) {
password = _password;

function addUser(bytes32 _password) public {
User memory user = User({id: users.length, password: _password});

idToUser[] = user;

function getArrayLocation(
uint slot,
uint index,
uint elementSize
) public pure returns (uint) {
return uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(slot))) + (index * elementSize);

function getMapLocation(uint slot, uint key) public pure returns (uint) {
return uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(key, slot)));

slot 0 - count
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", 0, console.log)
slot 1 - u16, isTrue, owner
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", 1, console.log)
slot 2 - password
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", 2, console.log)

slot 6 - array length
getArrayLocation(6, 0, 2)
Note: We can also use web3 to get data location
web3.utils.soliditySha3({ type: "uint", value: 6 })
1st user
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d3f", console.log)
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d40", console.log)
Note: use web3.toAscii to convert bytes32 to alphabet
2nd user
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d41", console.log)
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d42", console.log)

slot 7 - empty
getMapLocation(7, 1)
Note: We can also use web3 to get data location
web3.utils.soliditySha3({ type: "uint", value: 1 }, {type: "uint", value: 7})
user 1
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xb39221ace053465ec3453ce2b36430bd138b997ecea25c1043da0c366812b828", console.log)
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xb39221ace053465ec3453ce2b36430bd138b997ecea25c1043da0c366812b829", console.log)


  • 不要在区块链上存储敏感信息。